The aim of this study was to explore the mutual relationship among the level of gastrointestinal hormones (gastrin and motilin) in fasting serum, gastric motility and functional dyspepsia(FD) and thereby to analyze therapeutical efficacy of prokinetic drugs in children with this diseases. With the technique of radioimmunoassay, the levels of gastrin and motilin in fasting sreum protocally measured in 40 patients and also with a series of ultrasonographic examination of gastric antrum scanning the gastric emptying time,i.e. the gastric motility,was dynamically evaluated before,immediately after as well as 15, 30 and 60 minutes after oral ingestion of domiperidoni suspension by the end of 4 weeks' treatment of domiperidoni administration. From the results obtained, it was showed that the effective cure rates of 4-weeks' domiperidoni treatment for 1 different categories of presenting symptoms, such as epigastric pain and/ or discomfort as well as distension, anorexia, and satiety, in FD children were separately found to be 90%and 87. 5%. Meanwhile, as shown by ultrasonographic evidences, the gastric emptying time could begin to accelerate at 30 minutes after oral domiperidoni ingestion. On the other hand, there was discovered no apparent change in serum gastrin and motilin levels in most of affected children although these gastrin and motilin levels of a certain patients having no good response to domiperidoni treatment were actually lower than those in patients response to the treatment.Thus, the available conclusion could be reached as follows:just because the fact of this study that domiperidoni treatment could effectively improve the clinical features of FD in chilidren, the disturbance of gastrointestinal motor functions,i.e. delayed gastric emptying time,should be considered as one of the most important causes in the pathogenic mechanism of FD. Instead, no abnormal secretion of serum gastrointestinal hormones could be found in most of the affected children. But, considering that lower secretion of gastrointestinal hormones could sometimes occur in patients having no good response to domiperidoni treatment, the abnormal secretion of these hormones might be the partial pathogenic reason in such FD children, even possibly playing a most principal role in the pathogenesis of refractory FD in children.
Journal of Clinical Pediatrics