依照简单因特网过渡原则,通过分析IPv4到 IPv6的过渡过程,得出 IPv4到 IPv6的互联是至关重要的。分析了传统过渡策略的适用范围和优缺点,指出其在过渡过程中的局限性。基于大多数互联网用户是以桩域的形式接入主干网的现状,桩域的过渡将是分散的并且难于彼此同步。给出了基于翻译的整域实现技术,介绍其实现方法,并指出其局限性,提出改进方向和策略。
This paper indicates the importance of the interoperation of IPv4 and IPv6 by analyzing the transition process of them according to the principle of simple internet transition. Analyzing the applicable scope, advantages and disadvantages of the traditional mechanisms of transition, this paper points out their limitations in transitional process. As most Internet subscribers access the backbone in the way of stub domain, its transition will be separated instead of being synchronized, for which this paper puts forward domain once solution by translator, introduces its realizing methods and limitations, and further more, gives improvements and considerations.
Computer Engineering and Design