

A Survey of Techniques for Storing XML Documents in Relational Databases
摘要 XML及其相关技术日益渗透至计算机科学的各个层面 ,为了实现XML的潜能 ,XML的有效存储是一个必须首要解决的技术环节。对该技术进行了较为详尽的阐述 ,并介绍了Oracle为存储XML文档所进行的功能扩展。 XML and related technology has obviously affected almost every field of computer science. To realize XML potential, its effective storage is firstly faced technology. In this paper, we will detail these issues and introduce some XML storage extensions of Oracle.
出处 《盐城工学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2002年第4期41-45,共5页 Journal of Yancheng Institute of Technology:Natural Science Edition
关键词 XML 数据库 数据存储 模式映射 ORACLE XML Database Data Storage Schema Mapping Oracle
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