科学研究基金是一种相当重要的对科研项目的资助形式 ,对科学研究工作的发展起到了积极的推动作用。科研基金产出论文刊载率是衡量学报学术质量的一个重要评价指标。通过对 60多所工科院校自科版学报基金论文的刊载情况统计分析后认为 ,在当前 ,提高基金论文的刊载率 ,必须采取一些措施 :改变政策导向 ;努力提高科研水平 ;适当吸收校外优秀稿件。
Scientific research fund is an important form of financial aid to scientific research,which gives much impetus to it.The author has made statistics and analysis of more than 60 engineering college's fund theses publication in order to reveal the present situation of the use of scientific research fund and puts forward some measures to raise the rate of publication:change leuding policies, raise the level of scieitific research and aborb good papers from other colleges.
Journal of Yancheng Institute of Technology:Natural Science Edition