目的调查重庆市无偿献血者血浆丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)的正常值上限,为最大限度的避免因ALT不合格而造成的血液报废提供科学依据和改进措施。方法用速率法检测115 530名无偿献血者ALT,ALT活性值呈正态分布,采用x±1.96s作为正常值上限,对无偿献血者ALT正常上限值和不合格率按月份、年龄、性别进行统计分析。结果无偿献血者的ALT上限值95%的参考范围为不高于47.88U/L。6~9月ALT值的不合格率与其他月份比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同年龄间正常值上限和不合格率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);不同性别间正常值上限和不合格率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论采供血机构应加大宣传力度,优化ALT筛查策略,应针对不同性别的无偿献血者采取相应的筛选措施,重新建立更科学的ALT淘汰标准,最大限度降低血液的ALT不合格率。在保证该地区血液安全及临床供应的同时,最大限度地避免血液浪费。
Objective To investigate the upper limit of plasma′s alanine aminotransferase (ALT ) donated by volunteers in Chongqing city ,utmost avoid blood discarding due to ALT unqualified and provide a scientific basis for the improvement measures . Methods Checking 115 530 blood donors′ALT by rate method ,the activity of ALT value was normal distribution ,deem x ± 1 .96s as the upper limit of ALT of blood donors ,the upper limit of ALT and the unqualified rate was analyzed according tomonth ,age , gender .Results 95% upper limit of blood donors′ ALT reference range to less than 47 .88 U/L .From June to September ,ALT value unqualified rate compared with other months of the year have significant difference (P<0 .05) .Between different age groups , the upper limit and the unqualified rate had no significant difference(P>0 .05) .There was obvious difference about unqualified rate and upper limit between different sex group ,there was statistical significance (P<0 .05) .Conclusion The quantitative blood agen‐cies should increase propagandist strength ,optimize ALT screening strategy ,gender‐specific blood donors screening measures should be taken ,re‐establish a more scientific ALT Elimination standard ,the maximum reduct blood ALT′s failure rate .To ensure the safety and clinical local blood supply at the same time ,the maximum to avoid waste of blood .
International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
voluntary blood donor
alanine aminotransferase
upper limit of normal
unqualified rate