文章提出“元才”概念及本科生的“元才教育” ;认为从通才教育到专才教育再到元才教育的主流体制的更替与人类社会从农业文明到工业文明再到信息文明的演变之间具有对应关系 ;随着信息时代和知识社会的到来 ,元才教育是最适合 2 1世纪社会、科技。
Both the general education and the specialized education for undergraduates will gradually fade from the main system of higher education because of their low adaptability to socialchanges.Education of meta-discipline personnel will become the ideal objective for undergraduates. The evolution of the higher education system from the general education to the specialized education and to the education of meta-discipline personnel corresponds to the change of the human society from the agricultural civilization to the industrial civilization and to the Information Age.And education of meta-discipline personnel will be one of the best higher education systems for undergraduates in the Information Age and in the knowledge society today.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
Education of Meta-discipline Personnel
General Education
Specialized Education
Undergraduate Education
Higher Education.