来华学习专业的留学生在进入专业学习阶段以后 ,普遍会遇到对带口音的普通话的听辨困难的问题。针对这一现象 ,我们结合广东地区高校特点和华南理工大学留学生的学习情况 ,从声韵调、语感语流以及词汇、语法几个方面对粤语口音普通话进行了深入的研究 ,找出具有代表性的特点 ,并把它与留学生专业学习需要联系起来 ,探讨粤语口音普通话在专业教学的性质、特点。
It is common for international students in China to e nco unter the problem of understanding Putonghua with accent when they come to the s tudy of specialized courses. Based on this finding we analyzed the uniqueness of the universities in Guangzhou area and the study of international students in S outh China University of Technology, explored the features of the Putonghua with Yue (Cantonese) dialect accent from the perspectives of the Chin ese initial consonants, vowels, intonation, sense of language, speech flow, vocabulary and g rammar, and studied the issues concerning the nature, features and methods of te aching in Putonghua with Yue dialect accent in relation to international student s' study of specialized courses.
Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
Putonghua with Yue (Cantonese) dialect accent
Chinese for non-native speakers
listening skills study