20 0 1年于桂林召开的马君武学术研讨会就马君武的政治思想、教育理念及在文学史上的定位等方面展开了探讨 ,取得了多方面的成果 ,极大地促进了对马君武的研究。但研讨会对马君武的研究也存在一些不足 ,如部分领域尚未涉及 ,研究方法有待创新 ,对马君武诗歌的研究存在误区。今后对马君武的研究 ,应注意从个人与军政利益集团的关系出发 ,探析作为政治家的马君武在革命派与桂系集团冲突中扮演的角色 ,应从近代学术转型这一层面出发 ,检视作为学者的马君武为“中国传统学术近代化”及“西方学术中国化”
The academic Conference on Study of Ma Junwu was held in Guilin in 2001. The scholars discussed Ma Jun wu's political thought, educational thought,and historical value of his works on literal history. The conference achieved a lot, but had its own shortcomings. Two methods will bring out new ways for further research:(1) Study what actor Ma had performed among the conflicts of the social groups; (2) Study Ma's deduction to modern academic transformation.
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)