目的 探讨针刺与易化技术治疗脑性瘫痪的效果及影响因素。方法 采用针刺和易化技术治疗 2 4 6例脑瘫患儿 ,并进行治疗前、后的运动功能评定。结果 显效 95例 ,有效 1 2 7例 ,总有效率 90 .2 % ,其中 34例达正常儿童发育水平 ;治疗效果与开始治疗的年龄、持续时间、类型、病情程度及有无合并症有关。结论 针刺与易化技术结合可促进脑瘫患儿尽快康复 ,早期。
Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of acupuncture in conjunction with facilitation technique in the treatment of cerebral palsy (CP) and influencing factors. Methods Data of 246 CP children who had been treated with acupuncture and facilitation technique were retrospectively analyzed, with respective to the motor functions before and after treatment. Results Significant improvment was achieved in 95 children,some improvement in 127 children. The total effective rate was 90.2%.Statistical analysis demonstrated that, the therapeutic effectiveness was related to some factors such as the age of the child, the duration of the illness, type of the palsy, severity of the illness, and the existence or not of the complication. Conclusion Acupuncture in combination with facilitation technique is an effectvie and good option for the management of CP children.
Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation