The arc air gouging dust is a mixture of Fe,Mn,Cu,and C whose main constituent is Fe3O4 with very low Si content. The average concentration of the dust in the air of working environment was 728mg/m3. The chest x-ray examination showed that 4 and 1 of 77 workers exposed to arc air gouging dust appeared to have manifestations of stage I and II pnenmoconiosis respectively.Pneumoconiosis was in those with 9.5 years of exposure in average.The characteristic radiogra-phic abnormalities were very light nodular shadows.The clinical symptoms appeared earlier than the radiographic changes.In animal experiments, where the dust was administered by inhalation and intracheal injection, pathological findings proved that the dust had the potential of causing pulmonary fibrosis.The occupational hazards occurred in the arc air gouging could result from the combination of various factors. Since Bap.C.and Fe existed simultaneously in the dust,more attention should be paid to the occupational cancer in these workers.
Industrial Health and Occupational Diseases