介绍应用射频汽化技术在关节镜下手术的临床应用与疗效。自 2 0 0 0年 5月~ 2 0 0 1年 12月 ,应用射频汽化技术进行关节镜手术 13 4例 ,其中肩袖损伤 6例 ,钙化性冈上肌腱炎 5例 ,肱骨大结节骨折关节镜下经皮复位空心钉内固定 3例 ,臀肌挛缩松解术 7例 ,关节镜下股骨干钢板取出 3例 ,髋关节感染病灶清创 3例 ,股骨头无菌性坏死 9例 ,骨性关节炎 6例 ,髋滑膜软骨瘤病 6例 ,膝关节骨性关节炎 2 0例 ,半月板损伤 2 1例 ,镜下ACL重建 14例 ,ACL松弛行射频皱缩术 4例 ,髌骨半脱位支持带松解 6例 ,膝关节镜粘连松解 6例 ,膝窝囊肿关节镜下射频汽化 4例 ,踝关节撞击征 6例、滑膜炎 5例。结果表明 ,关节镜下射频手术具有低温冷凝、绉缩、汽化、切割和止血等特点 ,创伤小、组织反应轻、渗出少 ,术后关节无肿胀 。
One hundred and thirty four cases were treated by arthroscopic surgery with radiofrequency (RF) from May 2000 to December 2001. In this group of patients the diagnosis and operations included: shoulder rotator cuff tears in 6, calcified supraspinattus tendinitis in 5 , internal fixation of the humerus greater tubercle fracture in 3, debridement of hip joint infection in 3, avascular necrosis of the femoral head in 9, degenerative osteoarthropathy in 6, synovium chondromatosis in 6, gluteus contracture release in 7, osteoarthritis of knee joint in 20, meniscus injury in 21, ACL reconstruction in 14, ACL shrinkage in 4, adheresion release of knee joint in 6, patellar subluxation retinacula release in 6, popliteal fossa in 4 , removal of screw and plate of femur shaft in 3 , ankle joint impingement and synovitis in 11. The clinical results showed that arthroscopic RF had characteristics such as hemostasis at low temperature, (so thermal damage to surrunding tissues would be minimal), tissue shrinkage, vaporization, cutting and hemostasis,and so on. It is excellent for debriding synovial and adherent tissue, and extremely effective in removing articular cartilage, meniscal tears and ACL shrinkage. It causes mild pain and no joint swelling ,thus facilitats rehabilitation.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army