为了解决三色堇生产周期长 ,观赏期短等问题 ,对三色堇进行了再生利用的研究 .结果发现 ,对过期三色堇进行刈割 ,留茬再生 ,喷施 6- BA和 GA3,并加强肥水管理 ,能生产出具有良好商业价值的再生三色堇 .其中喷施 6-BA的花朵数多、花大、叶宽、株型适中 ,具有良好的观赏价值 ,观赏期延长 1倍 .
The sowing and germination of Viola tricolor need low temperature and a long cycle of production,So it's not easy to produce it in Hunan.People usually throw away the Viola tricolor after its profuse flowering.This study shows,if we don't throw it away,but to prune it,spray it with 6 BA and GA 3 on its stubble and fertilize it,good regenerative Viola tricolor can grow out.Those sprayed with 6 BA and GA 3 have the characteristic of numerous big flowers,broad leaves,medium canopy shape and doubled the period of appreciation.Therefore they are of great value of enjoying and appreciating.What's more,greatly save man power,material resources and shorten the productive cycle.
Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Natural Sciences)