将核盘菌 (Sclerotiniasclerotiorum)菌核埋置于油菜土样中 ,从菌核内部分离到 8株与菌核在土壤中存活有关的真菌。经平板和盆钵筛选试验 ,得到对油菜菌核病有较强生物防治潜能的黄绿木霉 (Trichodermaaureoviride)J75和绿色粘帚霉 (Gliocladiumvirens)Y5 1菌株。对峙培养结果表明 ,两个菌株的菌落均能覆盖核盘菌菌落、侵染菌核、使菌核腐烂。其非挥发性代谢产物能抑制核盘菌菌丝生长、降低平板上形成菌核的重量。把J75和Y5 1菌株培养物接种于自然油菜土壤中 6个月后 ,使埋置在土壤中的菌核的校正腐烂率分别达 5 3 13%和 77 5 0 %。研究结果还表明 ,供试菌株纤维素酶活力与其生物防治潜能有一定关系 :纤维素酶活力越高 ,生物防治潜能越大。因此 ,可把真菌纤维素酶活力作为筛选土传植物病原菌生防菌株的一个参考指标。
By burying the sclerotia into the rape soil samples,eight strains were isolated from the interior of the surface-disinfested sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum,which caused the stem rot of rape Among them,Trichoderma aureoviride J75 and Gliocladium virens Y51 were thought to have greater biocontrol potential against S sclerotiorum by plate and pot selective tests In dual culture,strain J75 and Y51 could overgrow the colonies of the pathogen,infecting sclerotia and making them rot Their non-volatile metabolites suppressed mycelial growth of S sclerotiorum and decreased biomass of sclerotia produced on the plates Cultures of strain J75 and Y51 were mixed with the natural rape soil,and then the selerotium decay was investigated The corrected percentages of the decayed sclerotia buried into the mixed soil were 53 13% and 77 50% after six months,respectively It seemed that the cellulase activity of the tested strains was related to their biocontrol potential The higher the cellulase activity,the greater the biocontrol potential was It was suggested that the activity of cellulase of the fungi could be used as one of the important criterions in screening for the efficient biocontrol agents of the soil-borne plant pathogens
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin