中国云南省昭通地区从 1 997年以来每年都是急性弛缓性麻痹 (Acuteflaccidparalysis,AFP)病例的高发地区 ,该地区的镇雄县 1 997~ 2 0 0 1年每年都有≥ 2例由Ⅱ型脊髓灰质炎 (脊灰 )疫苗相关株引起的AFP病例。日本国际协力事业团 (JICA)中国消灭脊灰项目的临床专家曾于 2 0 0 1年赴当地核查这些AFP病例 ,最终临床确认了 4例脊灰 ,认为存在脊灰病例聚集现象。针对此情况 ,对云南省镇雄县 1 997~ 2 0 0 1年从AFP病例中分离到的Ⅱ型脊灰毒株 (共 1 3株 )进行了序列分析 ,发现其VP1和 3D区核苷酸序列变化位点、变化数目及改变各不相同 ,其中有 8株为S2×S3重组株 ,5株为S2×S2疫苗相关株。病毒基因的分析不支持聚集病例间毒株的传播关系 ,不存在单一毒株循环引起的聚集现象。发现其中 1株为脊灰疫苗衍生病毒 (VDPV) ,但未发现其自然循环引发疾病流行。
Zhenxiong County of Zhaotong prefecture of Yunnan Province is an acute flaccid paralysis(AFP)case highly occurring area since 1997 There were more than 2 AFP cases per year from 1997~2000 caused by type Ⅱ polio vaccine associated strains Four of the AFP cases examined in 2001 by Japanese expert physicians of JICA were given diagnosis of clinical poliomyelitis The 4 cases were clustered epidemiologically So we sequenced VPI and 3D regions of 13 polio type Ⅱ strains from AFP cases in Zhenxiong County derived from 1997-2001 The sequencing results,however,indicated that the four strains were derived from different viruses,and that the cluster was not due to circulation of a single virus strain Sequencing showed no relationship between any of the 13 type Ⅱ isolates of AFP cases in this one county It suggests that type Ⅱ strains may have many independent lineages but rarely circulate for prolonged periods
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization