Instrument Technique and Sensor
国家 973项目"集成微光机电系统研究"(G1 9990 331 0 1 )的资助
1YANG H, SHEN Sh Q, BAO M H, et al. A pressure transducer with a single-sided multilevel structure by maskless etching technology.Mechatronics, 1998, 8: 585-593.
2Bourouina T, SPIRKOVITCH S, BAILLICU F, et al. A new microphone with a p-silicon membrane, Sensors and Actuators A, 1992,4:149-152.
3SCHEPER P R, OLTHUIS W, BERGVELD P. The design, fabrication, and testing of corrugated silicon nitride diaphragm. J. of Microelectromechanical Systems, 1993, 3 (1): 36-42.
4ZOU Y M, Y1 Q. Finite-element analysis of silicon condenser microphones with corrugated diaphragms, Finite Elements in Analysis &Design, 1998, 30(1 '2): 163-173.
5ZHANG Y, WISE K D. Performance of non - planar silicon diaphragms under large deflections. J. of Microelectromechanical Systems, 1993, 3(June) :59-68.
6ELBRECHT L, CATANESCU R, ZACHEJA J, et al. Highly phosphorus-doped polysilicon films with low tensile for surface micromachining using POC13 diffusion doping, Sensors and Actuators, 1997:37-378.
7ZOU Q, LI Z, LIU L. Design and fabrication of silicon condenser microphone using corrugated diaphragm technology. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 1993 (2):147-154.
1陈红生.基于次波长谐振原理的新型压力传感器[J].传感技术学报,2010,23(10):1426-1430. 被引量:1
2郑丹,宋朝辉,张鲲.提高微压传感器灵敏度的深盆腔压力膜片研究(一)[J].仪表技术与传感器,2002(11):1-2. 被引量:2
3胡南,郑小林,张绍祥,谭立文,单锦露,罗洪艳.基于虚拟现实的女性盆腔可视化及手术仿真[J].中国医学影像技术,2010,26(2):340-342. 被引量:9
5Yin Zhang Tao Cheng Xian-Long Zhang.Changes in Intra-pelvic Obliquity Angle 0-2 Years After Total Hip Arthroplasty and Its Effects on Leg Length Discrepancy:A Retrospective Study[J].Chinese Medical Journal,2015(10):1346-1350. 被引量:5
6王勇,鲍俊峰,施勇翔.高精度压力膜片光学测量系统设计[J].仪表技术与传感器,2006(1):54-55. 被引量:1
7田野,姜娈,李强.基于CT图像的身体部位自动识别方法[J].计算机工程与设计,2017,38(1):247-252. 被引量:2
8XING Yan ZHAO Jinhua SONG Jianhua CHEN Xiang QIAO Wenli.Preoperative detecting metastases of cervical cancer in pelvic and para-aortic lymph nodes:comparison of integrated ^(18)F-FDG PET/CT with or without contrast enhancement[J].Nuclear Science and Techniques,2012,23(5):305-311.
9Kovit Khampitak,Yuthapong Werawatakul,Amornrat Supokhen,Suchat Wattanachai,Panisara Kunkitti,Sirivit Techajedchadarungsri.A Touch-Controlled Laparoscope Manipulator: Preliminary Trial to Evaluate the Performance on Female Porcine Pelvic Surgery and an Initial Experience in A Human Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Segmental Salpingectomy[J].Journal of US-China Medical Science,2012,9(3):169-173.
10崔光浩,闻化,雷钢,张爱平.高精度无油封压力传感器设计[J].传感器与微系统,2006,25(11):55-56. 被引量:1