西王母的故事家喻户晓 ,脍炙人口。作者通过对先秦典籍《穆天子传》、《山海经》的分析 ,认为西王母是古代西方蛮荒部落某一以狩猎为生民族之邦国名 ,也是该邦国的首领名。该邦国当时正处于母系社会时代 ,并可与周天子分庭抗礼。作者又采用现代社会学和民俗学的知识 ,对《山海经》中描述的西王母“蓬发戴胜”,“豹尾虎齿而善啸”等怪异现象 ,作出科学合理的解释 ,特别是对“胜”乃“野鸡翎”的诠释 ,推翻了郭璞释“胜”为“玉胜”的传统说法 ,令人耳目一新。此外又论述了西王母由一蛮荒部略首领 ,经魏晋方土的“造神”运动 ,逐步演化为首屈一指的女界尊神的过程 ,于破除迷妄 ,不为无补。
The story of Western Queen is well-known to all. After analysing the pre-Qin books and records,Emperor Mu Margin and shan Hai Jing,the author thinks that Western Queen is the name of an ancient country which lied in wild western area and the people in that country made a living with hunting.The author also proves that Western Queen is also the name of the leader in that country.The country was in matriarchal society at that time and had the power to oppose Zhou Dynasty.using the knowledge of modern sociology and folklore,the author gives a reasonable explanation to the description in Shan Hai Jing,and discusses the process for Western Queen change from a rural leader to a Godness.