毛泽东为报刊撰写了大量的新闻作品和政论 ,他的文章旗帜鲜明、尖锐泼辣、形象生动 ,富有民族气派 ,是中国无产阶级革命文风和战斗风格的典范。要求报刊要有尖锐泼辣、旗帜鲜明的战斗风格和中国气派的文风 ,文章要具有准确性、鲜明性、生动性三种性质。
MAO Ze dong wrote a large number of articles and political comments for neuspapers and periodicals, which have a dear-cut-stand,shanp-pointed,forceful , vivid and fall of unique thinese style. MAO Ze dong earneastly practised what he advocated, meanwhile he mand great efforts to promote the improrement of writing style. He also made lots of comments on the style of writing during different, which reached the height of Party conduct and the style of study. He also assailed stereotyped Party writing mang times MAO Ze dong pointed out that only by using vivid fresh and forceful Uarxism and Leninism and by abandoning the stereotyped Party writing can we develop the revolutionary spirit. He also demanded that newspapers and periodicals should have a clear-cut-stand and sharp-pointed writing style full of fighting and thinese characteristic. Artides should possess three qualities--auuracy distiction and vivid description ,which compose the theory of uriting style of MAO Ze dong news thought.