文章简要回顾我国文献资源共建、共知、共享的历史与现状 ,探讨网络环境下图书馆文献资源建设的数据化与虚拟化 ,着重分析了虚拟馆藏的构成与建设及目前存在的问题 ,提出了采编工作如何适应新时期的工作需要。
The paper briefly looks back the history of the information resources cooperation and resources sharing, and introduces the stats que in China. It makes a close study about the digital and virtual information resources construction in network environment, analyzes the formation and construction of the virtual library resources, and the questions in existence at present. The author also proposes that the information acquisition and cataloguing should adapt to meeting the needs of the new period.
Journal of Academic Library and Information Science