安德森和福克纳都是美国现代文学著名的作家。由于都是在相近的时期 ,相近的政治社会环境 (社会高度工业化及蓄奴制的没落 )下进行文学创作 ,因此 ,两人的作品或多或少都有相似的倾向。特别是安德森的《林中之死》与福克纳的《纪念爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》 ,在表现爱与死亡这些主题中 ,他们在视点、题材、结构。
Anderson and Faulkner are two representative American writers of modernism in the 20th century. In their respective works Death in the Woods and A Rose for Emily, they elaborated on the themes of love and death. This paper attempts to analyze and compare the similarities between the two writers and their works so as to better readers' understanding of the works.