目的 建立大鼠阿尔茨海默病 (AD)动物模型。 方法 大鼠海马背侧微量注射 0 .4 mm ol/ L Okadaicacid(OA) 0 .5μl,每两天一次 ,连续三次。海马背侧首次微量注射 15天后 ,测试各组大鼠空间学习记忆能力 ;行为检测结束后 ,断头取脑 ,Bielshchowsky染色观察各组大鼠海马组织特征性病理变化。 结果 海马背侧微量注射 OA可显著损害大鼠空间学习记忆能力 ,诱发大鼠海马组织神经原纤维聚集、融合及神经纤维缠结 (NFT)、老年斑 (SP)的形成。 结论 海马背侧多次微量注射 OA可建立大鼠
Objective\ To construct Alzheimer's animal model by injection of okadaic acid into dorsal hippocampus of rats.\ Methods\ Okadaic acid was injected into dorsal hippocampus, once every two days for three times.\ The place navigation and spatial probe ability in rats were assessed by Morris water maze on day 15 after the first injection of dorsal hippocampus.\ After the spatial probe test, the pathologic changes in hippocampus of rats were observed by Bielshowsky stain.\ Results\ By injection of okadaic acid into the dorsal hippocampus, the spatial learning and memory ability in rats was significantly impaired by okadaic acid, and the fused, disordered and thickened neurofibrils, still a few neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques in hippocampus of rats were observed.\ Conclusion\ That the injection of okadaic acid into dorsal hippocampus of rats may be an effective and easy method to perform experimental model of AD. \;
Journal of Fujian Medical University
福建省自然科学基金资助项目 (C0 0 10 0 13 )