建立测定家兔血浆中左旋氨氯地平浓度的 RP- HPL C分析方法 ,并对其在家兔体内的药代动力学进行研究。将血浆样品在碱化条件下经乙醚提取 ,用 Kromasil C1 8(15 0 mm× 4 .6 mm,5 μm)反相柱 ,甲醇 -水 (42∶ 5 8,内含三乙胺 0 .1% )为流动相 ,流速为 1.0 ml/ m in,检测波长 2 38nm等条件下 ,分析测定。结果发现 :平均回收率为 94 .32 %~ 98.4 6 % ,RSD<7.0 % ,线性范围 :1.0~ 5 0 .0 ng/ ml (r=0 .9992 ) ,最低检测限可达 0 .1ng。结果提示 :RP- HPL C法操作简便、准确灵敏、重现性好 ,可用于左旋氨氯地平的药代动力学研究。
RP HPLC method for determination of levamlodipine concentration in rabbit plasma was established and its pharmacokinetics in rabbits was studied. The plasma samples were alkalified by 2 5 mol/L NaOH solution and extracted with diethy ether. The Kromasil C 18 column (150 mm×4 6 mm,5 μm) was used as analytical column. The mobile phase consisted of methanol water (42∶58) containing 0.1 % triethylamine. The flow rate was 1.0 ml/min with UV detection at 238 nm. The results showed the recovery of the method was 94 32 % to 98 46 % and RSD,7 0 %. The linear range was 1 0-50 0 ng/mL ( r =0 9992) and determination limit was 0 1 ng. The method had a good selectivity, sensitivity and reproducibility and can be used for pharmacokinetic studies of levamlodipine in rabbit plasma.
Acta Medicinae Universitatis Scientiae et Technologiae Huazhong