Tracktotrack fusion is an important part of multisensor multitarget tracking. Much research has been done in this area. An adaptive approach for track fusion in the multisensor environment proposed by C.Beugnon et al. is investigated in this paper. The algorithm chooses the method for calculating the global estimate according to a decision logic, based on the comparison between distance metric and threshold. Unfortunately, we found that the algorithm, in deriving distance metric, is established under an implicit assumption that sensor level tracks are uncorrelated with global tracks. However, even without process noise the global track and sensorlevel track are crosscorrelated because they are based on common data. Based on this, a modified adaptive track fusion approach is developed in this paper. The crosscorrelation between sensorlevel and global tracks is taken into account in the modified approach. The modified approach still reserves the flexible ability to react to the change of the sensor system and it also provides a natural link to track association. The simulation result illustrates that the modified approach is more robust to the change of the system environment.
Journal of Xidian University
国家部委预研基金资助项目(00J6 6 1 DZ0103)