96年以来 ,随着公司高硫原油加工量的增多 ,燃气脱硫能力存在瓶颈 ,特别当生产异常时 ,系统燃气硫含量过高 ,制氢转化炉长期燃烧高硫燃气 ,导致HK -40辐射炉管的损伤开裂 ,对流炉管腐蚀穿孔 ,本文结合实际生产工况和典型损坏事例 。
Since 1996, with the increase of the production of the crude oil with high sulfur, there have been the problems in the ability of removing sulfur from the crude oil. Especially, when the production was abnormal, the content of sulfur in the gas was over high and this gas was combusted in the hydrogen making furnace, which would result in the damage and cracking of the furnace pipe HK - 40 and finally result in the perforation caused by the corrosion. In this article, based on the practical condition and typical failure examples, the corrosion mechanism was analyzed and the protection methods were presented.
Process Equipment & Piping