

摘要 某钢铁企业通过采用优势工艺组合与膜法梯级浓缩的高回收率中水回用深度处理系统对厂区中水进行深度处理后回用,使企业实现全厂废水近零排放。但该系统运行初期出现中水回用处理系统常见的几种典型问题。根据该工艺系统的主要特点,分析几个典型问题的形成原因,对各问题的解决方法和处理效果进行全面深入的分析与探讨,并对系统的长期稳定运行提出行之有效的建议。 A steel company uses a high-recovery water reuse advanced treatment system with superior process combinations and membrane method cascade concentration to deeply treat and reuse the water in the plant,allowing the company to achieve near-zero discharge of wastewater from the plant.However,several typical problems common to reclaimed water reuse and treatment systems occurred in the early stage of operation of the system.According to the main characteristics of the process system,the causes of several typical problems are analyzed,the solutions and treatment effects of each problem are comprehensively and deeply analyzed and discussed,and effective suggestions are put forward for the long-term stable operation of the system.
出处 《科技创新与应用》 2025年第2期151-154,158,共5页 Technology Innovation and Application
关键词 高回收率 中水回用 中水深度处理 膜法处理 超滤 high recovery rate reclaimed water reuse advanced treatment of reclaimed water membrane treatment ultrafiltration
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