

The Auxiliary Role of Labetalol Hydrochloride Tablets in the Treatment of Psychiatric Symptoms
摘要 精神疾病患病率逐年增高,该病种极大地影响个体及其家庭生活质量,给社会带来巨大负担。本院精神疾病住院患者中老年人占95%,因长期服精神科药物控制病情,合并高血压、高血糖、高血脂等躯体疾病的比例也逐年增长,其中共病高血压的占比约为53.91%。临床上应用β受体阻断剂(盐酸拉贝洛尔片)较为常见,其作用主要是降压和调节心律,疗效较为满意。但却忽视了它对精神症状的影响作用,本文查阅资料,分析精神症状与多巴胺受体、α受体、β受体等介质的关系,从而探析盐酸拉贝洛尔片在精神症状治疗过程中的辅助治疗作用。 The incidence rate of mental illness is increasing year by year,which seriously affects the quality of life of the family and the stability and harmony of the society.95%of inpatients with mental illness in our hospital are elderly.After long-term medication control,the incidence of hypertension reached 53.91%.Clinical application of beta-blockers(labetalol hydrochloride tablets)is more common,its role is mainly to lower blood pressure and regulate cardiac rhythm,the effcacy is more satisfactory.But people may have overlooked its impact on mental symptoms.This article reviews information and analyze the relationship between mental symptoms and mediators such as dopamine receptors,alpha receptors,beta receptors,etc,in order to discover the important role of labetalol hydrochloride tablets in treating mental symptoms.
作者 孙全超 戴晶璟 高红锐 SUN Quanchao;DAI Jingjing;GAO Hongrui(Department of Civil Affairs,Shanghai First Mental Health Center,Shanghai 201105,China)
出处 《中国医药指南》 2025年第3期55-57,共3页 Guide of China Medicine
基金 上海市民政第一精神卫生中心院级调查研究项目(项目编号:YJZX/JL-3-51)。
关键词 盐酸拉贝洛尔片 Α受体 Β受体 精神症状 Labetalol hydrochloride tablets Alpha receptor Beta receptor Psychiatric symptoms
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