

Study on Applicability of Simulation Model of Metal Oxide Arrester Under Different Impulse Current Waves
摘要 文中对几种具有代表性的金属氧化物避雷器用电阻片进行了30/60、8/20、4/10、1/5μs 4种冲击电流波下的残压和能量特性实验研究,分析了IEEE、CIGRE、Pinceti与MWR避雷器仿真模型的适用性。结果表明,IEEE模型在1/5μs、幅值<10 kA陡波电流下残压模拟较差,4种冲击电流波下能量模拟均较差;CIGRE模型在1/5μs、幅值>5 kA陡波电流下残压模拟较差,4种冲击电流波下均可较好的模拟避雷器能量特性;Pinceti、MWR模型在4种冲击电流波下均可较好的模拟避雷器残压特性,Pinceti模型在30/60μs、幅值<1 kA的操作冲击电流波下能量模拟较差,MWR模型在1/5μs、幅值>5 kA的陡波电流下能量模拟较差。文中研究结论可为不同工况下开展MOV仿真时的模型选取与优化提供参考。 In this paper,the experimental study of residual voltage and energy characteristic of resistor disc for sever⁃al types of representative metal oxide arresters are performed at such four types impulse current waves as 30/60、8/20、4/10、1/5μs,and the application of IEEE,CIGRE,Pinceti and MWR simulation models of arrester is analyzed.The results show that the residual voltage simulation of IEEE model is weak at 1/5μs and steep wave current with am⁃plitude<10 kA and the energy simulation under four types of impulse current waves are also weak.The residual volt⁃age simulation of CIGRE model is weak at 1/5μs and steep wave current with amplitude>5 kA,can simulate well the energy characteristic of arrester under four types of impulse current waves.The Pinceti and the MWR models can sim⁃ulate the residual voltage characteristics of arrester under the four types of impulse current waves.The energy simula⁃tion of Pinceti model is weak at 30/60μs and the switching impulse current wave with amplitude<1 kA,and the ener⁃gy simulation of the MWR model is weak at 1/5μs and steep wave current with amplitude>5 kA is weak.The study conclusion in this paper can provide reference for model selection and optimization of MOV simulation under differ⁃ent operating conditions.
作者 陈洁 赵丹丹 张宗扬 陈喆 焦婷 陆冰冰 江安烽 田越 赵莹莹 郭洁 CHEN Jie;ZHAO Dandan;ZHANG Zongyang;CHEN Zhe;JIAO Ting;LU Bingbing;JIANG Anfeng;TIAN Yue;ZHAO Yingying;GUO Jie(State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Company Electric Power Research Institute,Shanghai 200437,China;East China Electric Power Test Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200437,China;College of Electrical Engineering,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710049,China)
出处 《高压电器》 北大核心 2025年第1期197-203,共7页 High Voltage Apparatus
基金 华东电力试验研究院有限公司科技项目(20218200130)。
关键词 金属氧化物避雷器 避雷器模型 冲击电流幅值 残压特性 能量特性 metal oxide arrester arrester model impulse current amplitude residual voltage characteristics energy characteristics
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