

Optimization Study of Flotation Process for One High Silicon Low-grade Lead-zinc Ore in Yunnan
摘要 云南某高硅低品位铅锌矿矿石中铅、锌主要以硫化物形式存在,部分方铅矿与闪锌矿嵌布密切,易导致闪锌矿随方铅矿进入铅精矿中,从而影响铅精矿的品质。在矿石含铅品位0.71%,含锌品位4.32%时,采用一段粗磨—粗精矿再磨铅锌顺序优先浮选工艺,闭路试验可获得铅品位64.24%、锌品位2.81%、铅回收率81.94%的铅精矿;锌品位50.24%、铅品位0.55%,锌回收率89.69%的锌精矿,实现了矿石中铅锌金属的有效回收利用。 Lead and zinc in one high-silicon and low-grade lead-zinc ore in Yunnan exist mainly in the form of sulphide,some are closely embedded with galena and sphalerite,and it is easy to cause sphalerite enter into lead concentrate with galena,thereby the quality of lead concentrate can be affected.It adopts one-step rough grinding-rough concentrate regrinding,lead-zinc sequential priority flotation process when the lead grade is 0.71%,zinc grade is 4.32%of ore,and through the closed circuit test,it can obtain the lead concentrate with lead grade is 64.24%,zinc grade is 2.81%,lead recovery rate is 81.94%,and zinc concentrate with zinc grade is 50.24%,lead grade is 0.55%,zinc recovery rate is 89.69%,thereby lead and zinc metal in the ore can be recovered effectively.
作者 彭光继 赵泽辉 严川明 李玉华 王磊 濮永许 PENG Guangji;ZHAO Zehui;YAN Chuanming;LI Yuhua;WANG Lei;PU Yongxu(Yunnan Jinding Zinc Industry Co.,Ltd.,Lanping,Yunnan 671400,China)
出处 《云南冶金》 2024年第6期44-50,共7页 Yunnan Metallurgy
关键词 方铅矿 闪锌矿 优先浮选 粗磨 再磨 galena sphalerite preferential flotation rough grinding regrinding
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