

Associations between adult attachment and college adjustment in first-year Korean students in China:The mediating effect of interpersonal relationships
摘要 目的:探索在华韩国留学生的成人依恋对大学适应的影响,并进一步探究人际关系在二者关系间的作用。方法:招募236名韩国大一留学生,采用亲密关系经历量表、人际关系量表和大学生适应性问卷对其进行测量。结果:①在华韩国留学生中恐惧型依恋个体最多(47.80%);②依恋回避(B=-0.30,P<0.01)和依恋焦虑(B=-0.22,P<0.01)对留学生的大学适应具有负向预测作用;③人际关系在依恋回避和大学适应之间起完全中介作用,中介效应值为-0.20;人际关系在依恋焦虑和大学适应之间起完全中介作用,中介效应值为-0.15。结论:在华韩国留学生的成人依恋对大学适应和人际关系有预测效应,人际关系在依恋与大学适应之间起完全中介作用。 Objective:To explore the relationships among international students’attachment,interpersonal relationship and college adjustment.Methods:A total of 236 first-year Korean students in China were selected and measured with Experience of Close Relationship Questionnaire,Relationship Change Scale and Student Adaption to College Questionnaire.Results:①Fearful attachment was the most common type of Korean students studying in China(47.80%).②Attachment avoidance(B=-0.30,P<0.01)and attachment anxiety(B=-0.22,P<0.01)had a significantly negative predictive effect on college adjustment.③Interpersonal relationships fully mediated the relationship between attachment avoidance and college adjustment,with effect value of-0.20.Interpersonal relationships fully mediated the relationship between attachment anxiety and college adjustment,with effect value of-0.15.Conclusion:The adult attachment of Korean students studying in China has a predictive effect on college adjustment and interpersonal relationships,with interpersonal relationships playing a full mediating role between attachment and college adjustment.
作者 杜雪松 王爱平 DU Xuesong;WANG Aiping(Faculty of Psychology,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China;Beijing Key Lab of Applied Experimental Psychology,Beijing Normal University;Educational Science Research Institute of Shenzhen)
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2025年第2期310-315,共6页 China Journal of Health Psychology
关键词 在华留学生 成人依恋 人际关系 大学适应 International students in China Adult attachment Interpersonal relationship College adjustment
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