

Application of magnetic coagulation separation&biological aerated filter combined process in overflow wastewater treatment
摘要 采用超磁分离+曝气生物滤池(BAF)及磁混凝沉淀+曝气生物滤池的组合工艺对城市溢流生活污水进行处理,工程处理规模分别为20000 m3/d,出水主要水质指标均能达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)的一级A标准(除TN外)。磁混凝分离+BAF组合工艺处理效果好、占地小、施工周期短,均能满足项目要求。对比分析2种组合工艺的处理效果与技术经济性指标,磁混凝沉淀+BAF的组合工艺处理效果更优,运行费用及滤池维护频率更低。 A combination of super magnetic separation+Biological Aerated Filter(BAF)and magnetic coagulation sedimentation+BAF processes was used to treat urban overflow domestic sewage,with a treatment capacity of 20,000 m3/d.The primary water quality indicators of the effluent reached Class A of the“Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants”(GB 18918—2002),except for TN.The magnetic coagulation sedimentation+BAF process demonstrated effective treatment,compact land use,and short construction time,meeting project requirements.Comparative analysis of the treatment efficiency and techno-economic indicators of the two combinations showed that the magnetic coagulation sedimentation+BAF process had superior treatment performance,lower operating costs,and reduced maintenance frequency of the filter.
作者 彭展 张玥 袁义泉 张磊 谢依廷 PENG Zhan;ZHANG Yue;YUAN Yiquan;ZHANG Lei;XIE Yitin(CSCEC SCIMEE SCI.&TECH.Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu Sichuan 610041,China)
出处 《工业安全与环保》 2025年第2期90-95,共6页 Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection
关键词 超磁分离 磁混凝沉淀 曝气生物滤池(BAF) 溢流污水治理 运行效果 super magnetic separation magnetic coagulation sedimentation biological aerated filter(BAF) overflow sewage treatment operating performance
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