The vigorous development of digital economy has opened up new ways and opportunities for urban and rural residents to increase their incomes.On the basis of theoretical analysis,the fixed-effect model and spa-tial Durbin model are used to empirically test the impact of digital economy on urban and rural residents′income increase and its spatial effect based on the provincial panel data from 2012 to 2022.The study finds that digital economy can significantly promote the increase of urban and rural residents′income.With each increase of one unit of digital economy index,the per capita disposable income of rural and urban residents increases by 1.465 and 1.259 percentage points respectively,indicating that digital economy has a greater role in promoting the in-crease of rural residents′income than that of urban residents.Heterogeneity analysis shows that in rural areas,the impact of digital economy on the income increase of high income residents is greater than that of middle and low income residents,and the gap is large;In cities and towns,the impact of digital economy on the income increase of high and middle income residents is greater than that of low income residents,but the gap is small.Further spatial econometric analysis shows that digital economy has a significant positive spatial spillover effect on the income in-crease of urban and rural residents,and the indirect effect is greater than the direct effect,indicating that digital economy can not only promote the income increase of local residents,but also have a greater role in promoting the income increase of residents in the surrounding areas.
YANG Chun-hong(School of Business,Huaiyin Normal University,Huaian 223001,China)
On Economic Problems
digital economy
urban and rural residents’income
common prosperity