通过 1 997— 2 0 0 0年版国际竞技健美操竞赛规则与 2 0 0 1— 2 0 0 4年版国际竞技健美操竞赛规则的比较 ,分析、讨论、阐述了竞技健美操的发展趋势。指出作为优秀教练员、运动员 ,一方面要熟悉新竞赛规则 ,了解世界动态 ;另一方面要拥有足够的信息量 ,在编排中积极创新 ,独树一帜 ,在训练中积极提高专项身体素质 。
Through the comparison and analysis of the International Calisthenics aerobic dancing rules between 1997-2000 and 2001-2004, the author discusses the developmental tendency of aerobics dancing. The results show that as a good coach or athlete, on the one hand, he or she must be familiar with the new rules and the global trends, on the other hand, he or she must have a large amount of information in this field. And he or she must pay attention to the innovation in the arrangement, enhance the specialized physical quality in training and strengthen the art expressiveness.
Journal of Tianjin University of Sport