
网上英语写作与项目教学法研究 被引量:123

Online English Writing and Project-based Learning: A Case Study
摘要 论文通过报告苏州大学与美国南方理工佐治亚州立大学之间1999年秋开展的网上合作教学项目,着重探讨了中国学生的表现特点以及项目教学法在活动中的核心作用.结果表明,网络技术为学生创造了真实的英语写作环境,而项目型教学使学生的交流有了明确目的,两者相得益彰,在激励求知、促进习作、提高综合交际能力方面有着不可忽视的潜力.本文还结合项目实施中的问题就教师培训、项目管理和技术支持提出了建议. This paper reports the effects of project-based learning with technology on learner motiva-tion, performance and roles in learning through a case study of a computer-assisted collaborative writing project conducted in the fall semester of 1999 between 20 Chinese students at Suzhou University and 28 American students at Southern Polytechnic State University of Georgia, USA. Supported by descriptive data, the writers conclude that the online projects do have the potential in motivating Chinese EFL learners and bringing about positive learning effects, but the key still lies in how they are managed and supported by learners, teachers, administrators at all levels.
出处 《外语电化教学》 北大核心 2002年第6期3-7,共5页 Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education
关键词 网上英语写作 项目教学 综合交际能力 教学方法 教师培训 高校 Online English Writing Project-Based Learning Communicative Competence
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