在台阁花型的研究中发现牡丹 (PaeoniasuffruticosaAndr.)和芍药 (PaeonialactifloraPall.)的一种特殊的花瓣 .它具有筒状结构 ,外形类似于一些合瓣花类植物的花冠 ,但筒的基部更细 ,向上变粗 ,有的呈喇叭形 ,有的呈钟形 ,口部边缘变化较大 ,具形状和大小各异的裂片 ;筒内壁上有时具一顶部游离的芒状物 .基于筒状花瓣仅仅出现在部分台阁化程度较高的台阁型花的上部花中 ,而且在上部花中其过渡态花瓣背面的基部都出现形状和大小各异的房衣瓣化物或房衣的残迹 ,以及筒状花瓣横切面特殊的形态和细胞组织特征 ,提出上部花筒状花瓣是由心皮和房衣组织原细胞共同分裂瓣化并联合发育形成的观点 .记述了筒状花瓣的形成过程和特点 ,讨论了筒状花瓣形成的理论和实践意义 .
The tubiform petal of Paeonia suffruticosa and P.lactiflora is a special petal which only has been occurred in the highflower of pralification flower in above two species.The petal is similar to corolla of some sympetalous dicotylodon family in shape,however it has a thinner base and different lobes in form and size.On base of the facts that all tubiform petals only form in the highflower of prolification flower,the most highflower petals excluding the tubiform petal always occur the transforming development carpel disc in the dorsal base,and there are special anatomy structures,a viewpoint that the tubiform petal comes from the petaloid developing of carpel and carpel disc has been put forward.Furthermore,the jointly petaloid development process and feature of the tubiform petal have been described.Lastly the theory and practical signification of tubiform petal has been discussed.
Journal of Northwest Normal University(Natural Science)