意识形态范畴的含混为讨论和研究带来诸多不便。“意识形态终结论”不过是西方资产阶级在意识形态领域散布的一股“烟雾”。所谓“意识形态”范畴 ,即指一定阶级基于自己特定的历史地位和根本利益 ,以理论形态表现的对现存的社会关系的思想。
Ideology is such a equivocal concept that causes inconvenience to discuss and research 'The end of ideology' is but the mask in the field of ideology by the western bourgeoisie. The concept of ideology refers to the system in terms of the thoughts, feelings and actions occurring in the present social relationships on the basis of the benefits for occurring in the themselves on their particular historical positions.
Journal of Zhanjiang Ocean University