

An Investigation on the Fulminant Epidemic of Human Plague in a Community of Qusum County, Tibet
摘要 1991年7月18日~7月26日,在西藏山南喜马拉雅山北坡,雅鲁藏布江南岸的曲松县境内(N28°31′~29°20′,E92°~92°21′,海拔3950~4500米)爆发一起人间鼠疫流行。发病15人,死亡5人,治愈10人。发病者均为藏族农民,男性7人,女性8人,年龄最小15岁,最大为64岁。首发病例系解剖自毙旱獭(Marmotahimalayana)而感染,其余继发病人皆因直接接触鼠疫病人而感染。据流行病学调查资料分析和临床特征,是一起肺鼠疫流行。并查得该地区及邻近县的部分地区,在近两年来有自毙喜马拉雅旱獭发现。 In July 18-26, 1991, an episode of human plague prevalence occurred in a community of Qusum County. The epidemic area (28° 31' -29° 20 ' N, 92° -92° 21' E, 3950-4500m above sea level) was located on the south of Yarlung Zangbo River at the north slope of Hymalaya Mountains. Of the 15 Tibetan peasants (7 male, 8 female, youngest 1.5 years and the oldest 64 years) involved in the epidemic, 5 died of the infection and 10 were cured, the initial case got infected by anatomizing a self-dead marmot (Marmota hymalayana) and all of the others were secondary cases infected through contact. The epidemic was determined to be an episode of human pulmonary plague according to epidemiologic and clinic data. Investigation showed that in the past 2 years, self-dead marmots had been found both in the epidemic area and nearby counties.
出处 《地方病通报》 1992年第3期46-49,共4页 Endemic Diseases Bulletin
关键词 西藏 鼠疫 流行病学 Human plague Qusum County, Tibet
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