目的 :探索先天性小耳并外耳道闭锁行耳廓和中耳一期成形术的效果。方法 :对 6例 (耳 )采用Medpor聚乙烯材料作为对耳轮支架 ,膨体聚四氟乙烯 (PTFE)作为耳轮支架 ,一期进行耳廓、外耳道、中耳成形。结果 :术后随访 8~ 2 3个月 ,听力平均提高 2 8dB ,耳廓外观满意 ,无再狭窄或闭锁。结论 :Medpor作为对耳轮支架 ,PTFE作为耳轮支架 ,一期进行耳廓、外耳道、中耳成形 ,可以达到满意的术后效果。
Objective:To investigate the surgical reconstruction of the abnormalities of earlap?canal and middle ear at one time.Method:21 patients(21 ears) operated on the canal and middle ears,of which 6 ears were undergone surgical reconstruction of the abnormalities of earlap?canal and middle ear used with the Medpor and PTFE at one time. Result:A term(8~23 months) follow up of 6 ears demonstrated that 28 dB of the hearing level in 5 ears were improved (pure tone threshld),one ear was kept unchanged,which 6 ears were approved of the figuration of earlap and canal ears.Conclusion:It is an good method to reconstruction the abnormalities of canal?middle ear and earlap using the Medpor and PTFE at one time.
Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology