本文应用植物资源学的研究方法 ,对目前国内市场上常见的药物减肥产品进行了调查 ,并对其所用的药用植物进行了归类研究 ,结合《本草纲目》中的所记载的减肥药方 ,遴选出此类植物 38种 ,隶属于 2 5科。作者根据其减肥作用机理和中药分类方法将这些植物归为 7类。每类选取 1种代表植物 ,即消食类 :山楂等 ;化痰类 :绞股蓝等 ;利水渗湿类 :茯苓等 ;泻下类 :大黄等 ;解表类 :柴胡等 ;理气类 :陈皮等 ;活血祛瘀类 :丹参等。就其主要形态特征、群落类型、地理分布、化学成分和药用功效、采收加工、资源利用等进行较为详细的说明 ,旨在初步弄清我国减肥药用植物资源种类和分布 。
With the application of the research methods of plant resources, the main weight-losing produces in current market were studied and the medicine plants that the products were made up of were sorted. Considering the weight-losing prescription carried in 'Ben Cao Gang Mu', 38 species of plants, in 25 families, which can be used to weight-losing, were picked out. According to the weight-losing effecting mechanism and the sorting of Chinese medicine, these plants were divided into 7 kinds: plants for promoting digestion and removing stagnated food, including Crataegus pinnatifida etc; phlegm-eliminating plants, including Gynostemma pentaphyllum etc; plants for removing dampness by promoting diuresis, including Poria cocos , etc; Purgative plants, including Rheum officinale etc; Plants for relieving exterior syndrome, including Bupleurum chinensis etc; Plants for the regulation of the flow of Qi, including Citrus reticulata etc; Plants for promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, including Salvia miltiorrhiza etc. Furthermore, the main appearance feature, population type, geographical distribution, chemical element, medical effect, the gathering and further disposal and the resource exploitation of these plants were explained in details, in order to indicate the variety and distribution of the weight-losing medicine plant resource in China. At the end, the advice to protect and use the resource is expounded.
Chinese Wild Plant Resources