
骨膜游离移植修复犬股骨颈骨折 被引量:1

Study on Self Ilium Periosteum Free State Transplantation for Curing Femoral Neck Fracture
摘要 目的 探讨犬自体髂骨骨膜游离移植治疗股骨颈骨折的效果。方法 选用毕格犬 7只 ,共 14个髋关节 ,制成股骨颈骨折模型 ,骨折经螺钉固定后 ,取髂骨骨膜移植于骨折处。于术后 1个月和 3个月X线拍片并取髋关节标本观察。结果 术后 1个月 :X线见骨折线模糊 ;肉眼观察 :移植的骨膜与股骨颈生长在一起 ;镜下观察 :骨膜内毛细血管大量增生 ,大量类骨质及软骨细胞生成。术后 3个月 :X线见骨折愈合 ;肉眼观察 :骨膜移植处有大量骨组织生长 ,填满了骨折端 ;镜下 :骨膜内血管网非常丰富 ,大量骨细胞生成 ,新生骨小梁深入到股骨颈原有骨小梁中并与之融合。结论 犬自体髂骨骨膜游离移植可以成活和成骨 ,能重建股骨颈血运 ,促进骨折愈合。 ObjectiveTo study the effect of self ilium periosteum free state transplantation on curing femoral neck fracture. Methods 7 ordinary adult beagles, 14 hip joints in all, were for animal models of femoral neck fracture. After fixation, self ilium periosteum was stuck to the fracture surface with protein adhersive. Observation was with naked eyes and by X -rays and pathological section observed under microscope. ResultsOne month later, X -ray showed that the fracture line blured, transplanted periosteum grew with femoral neck. Under microscope, blood capillary in the periosteum increased sharply. Cartilage and bone like matter were seen. Three months after operation, X -ray showed that fractures was united, a lot of bone matter were seen where the periosteum was transplanted. Under microscope, developed blood vessel net in the periosteum and lots of bone cells were seen, new bone trabecula growing into the original ones in the femoral neck and united with them. ConclusionsFree state transplanted self ilium periosteum can survive and help bone reunit with the blood vessel net reconstructed. It is a feasible and easy way to cure femoral neck fracture.
出处 《中国实验动物学报》 CAS CSCD 2002年第4期227-229,共3页 Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica
关键词 骨膜游离移植 修复 股骨颈骨折 Periosteum Transplantation Femar neck Fractures
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