目的 建立灵芝子实体、孢子粉、发酵菌丝体三萜成分的HPLC含量测定方法。方法 以赤芝孢子酸A(ganosporericacidA ,1) ,赤芝酸A(lucidenicacidA ,2 ) ,灵芝酸B(ganodericacidB ,3)和灵芝酸C(ganodericacidC ,4 )为对照品 ;色谱柱 :反相C1 8;流动相 :乙腈 水 (37∶6 3) ;流速 :1 0mL·min- 1 ;检测波长 :UV 2 5 4nm。结果 进样量在 0 2~ 1μg有良好的线性关系 ,(1) ,(2 ) ,(3)和 (4)的加样回收率分别为 10 0 9% ,10 1 2 % ,10 1 3%和 10 1 7%。 结论 本法快速、简便、灵敏和分离度好 ,适用于灵芝子实体、孢子粉、发酵菌丝体及相关制剂的三萜类物质检查和含量测定。
Aim To develop a method for analysis of triterpene constituents in Ganoderma lucidum by HPLC. Methods Ganosporeric acid A (1), lucidenic acid A (2), ganoderic acid B (3) and ganoderic acid C (4) were used as comparison substances. Chromatographic column was a RP-C 18 ; the mobile phase was acetonitrile-water (37∶63); the flow rate was 1.0 mL·min -1 and the detecting wavelength was 254 nm. Results A linear range was obtained from 0.2 μg to 1.0 μg with a good linear correlation. The recovery of (1), (2), (3) and (4) were 100.9%, 101.2%, 101.3% and 101.7%, respectively. Conclusion This method was developed for the analysis of triterpenes by HPLC for the first time. The method is rapid, accurate and suitable for the analysis of the triterpene constituents in fruit bodies, spores, mycelium from Ganoderma lucidum .
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica
"8 63"高通量药物筛选系统及多样性资助项目(2 0 0 1AA2 3 40 2 1)