本文谈及洋务运动的积极作用 ,切入点是 :思想观念上的转变 ,重点说明洋务派冲破顽固派封建保守思想的束缚 ,为封建地主阶级思想意识注入新的活力 ;引进了资本主义生产方式 ,重点谈其付诸实践 ,实际操作 ;奠定了中国近代工业发展、社会改革的物质、思想、人才基础 ,主要探讨一些企业的后续存在 ,一批科技人才的造就 ,具有维新思想知识分子队伍的形成。
This paper is of reference to the active role of the Westernization Movement,initiated by changing in ideological concept.To smash the bonds of feudal conservative ideas of diehards arter the Westernization Movement,is the focas point of this paper,for the purpose of brimming with new vigour for ideology of the feudal Iandiord class and introducing capitalist mode of production.To improve industrial development of China modern times in social reorm,ideas and talent,this paper is mainly discussed on some enterprises existing,a number of scientists or technicians emerging and a contingent of intellectuals with reformation forming through and operation.
Journal of Suihua Teachers College