钢筋混凝土构件中 ,高强度钢筋的应用使钢筋应力提高 ,应变增大 ,裂缝加宽。本文按照新的《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB5 0 0 10 2 0 0 2 )研究影响裂缝宽度的主要因素 ,找出在各种主要因素影响下满足裂缝宽度限值的最大等效钢筋直径 ,绘制成图表 。
The strains and stresses of high strength steel bars in the reinforced concrete members are increased,and the cracks will be extended.This paper analyses the ma in factors that influence the width of cracks on the basis of new reinforced con crete design standard,give the charts of the maximum of equivalent diameter of s teel bars in the main factors for designers. \
Building Technology Development