在对原料肉中添加 0 ,5 ,10g·kg-1转谷氨酰胺酶 ,分别与 0 ,10 ,2 0 ,30 ,4 0g·kg-1大豆分离蛋白、乳清浓缩蛋白、酪蛋白、明胶蛋白和卵清蛋白组成 5个试验组。在 4℃条件下催化反应 0~ 2 4h ,经成型、解冻后 ,用破碎样品时所做的功作为指标 ,测定不同试验组原料肉的冷黏结性能。结果显示 ,4℃、 2 0g·kg-1NaCl、 4 0g·kg-1大豆分离蛋白、 5g·kg-1转谷氨酰胺酶、反应时间 2~ 5h ,可以使原料肉获得较强的黏结能力 (2 4 2 3 5g·s)。
Binding capability is usually measured in the terms of the energy required to cause shear between physical knitting of meat chunks.Five research groups were made at 4 ℃ by 0,5,10 g·kg -1 transglutaminase(TG)and 0,10,20,30 and 40 g·kg -1 different non meat proteins respectively,such as soybean protein isolate(SPI),whey protein concentrate(WPC),gelatin,egg white protein and casein.After 0?24 h reaction,the samples were frozen and thawed to test the binding properties.The result showed that optimal parameters achieving the desirable binding property(2 423 5 g·s)of pork were 20 g·kg -1 NaCl,5 g·kg -1 TG,40 g·kg -1 SPI,2?5 h reaction period at 4 ℃,which could be applied to the comprehensive utilization of raw meat and the development of new meat products.
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University
江苏省十五攻关项目 (BE2 0 0 14 0 0 )