将现代生物技术与常规育种技术相结合 ,以本所育成的高抗白粉病普通小麦簇毛麦 6VS/ 6AL易位系与丰产适应性好的扬麦 15 8杂交 ,再用扬麦 15 8回交 ,通过连续多代抗白粉病鉴定、外源易位染色体分子、细胞遗传学追踪和农艺性状鉴定 ,选育出高抗白粉病的高产新品系南农 9918。经 2年区域试验和 1年生产试验 ,该品系均表现高抗白粉病 ,具有穗大、粒重的特点 ,较对照品种扬麦 15 8增产 1 88%~ 2 2 0 %。 2 0 0 2年 8月通过江苏省品种审定委员会审定 ,正式定名为南农 9918。该品种较好地综合了簇毛麦高抗白粉病及扬麦 15 8的丰产适应性 。
Utilizing biotechnology and traditional breeding procedures,a new wheat variety Nannong 9918 with high yield and powdery mildew resistance has been developed.Powdery mildew resistant Triticum aestivum Haynaldia villosa translocation line 6VS/6AL developed by Cytogenetics Institute,Nanjing Agricultural University,was crossed with Yangmai 158 which showed high yield and good adaptability.The F 1 was backcrossed with Yangmai 158 and backcrossing progenies were successively identified for powdery mildew resistance,agronomic traits and alien chromosome transmission.A new line named Nannong 99?18 with both high yield and high powdery mildew resistance was developed.In two years regional experiments and 1 year performance experiment,this line showed high powdery mildew resistance,big spikes and heavy thousand seed weight,and about 1 88%?2 20% yield increase than Yangmai 158.This line was registered as Nannong 9918 in autumn,2002.Nannong 9918 showed good combination of high powdery mildew resistance of H.villosa and high yield,good adaptability of Yangmai 158.It is suitable to grow in the middle lower Yangtse River region.
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University
国家 8 63高技术研究发展计划项目资助 (Z 170 40 1和 2 0 0 1AA2 110 5 1)