目的 总结“汉堡包式”肾动脉栓塞加肾癌根治术的临床应用经验。方法 对 68例的临床资料和随访情况进行回顾分析。结果 本组 68例行该方法栓塞均获成功 ,其中 64例栓塞后行根治手术 ,经长期随访 1、3、5、8年生存率分别为 91 66%、83 3 3 %、66 67%、45 %。结论 “汉堡包式”肾动脉栓塞术可作为肾癌根治术前的常规辅助手段 ,对于难以切除癌肿者可作为主要治疗手段 。
Objective To evaluate the efficacy of preoperative transarterial multiple chemo embolization and radical surgery for renal carcinoma.Methods A total of 68 cases of transarterial multiple chem embolization and of 64 cases of radical surgery for renal cancer were tetrospectively studied.Results Preoperative transarterial multiple chem-embolization made resection easier,after operation the 1,3,5 and 8 year survival rates were 91.66%,83.33%,66.67%,45%,respectively.Conclusions Preoperative transarterial multiple chem emblization is used routinely,a main method for difficultly excising renal cancers.
Henan Journal of Oncology