目的 探讨乳腺针吸细胞学检查 (FNAC)诊断乳腺癌的要点及最大限度减少漏诊的方法。方法 通过对12 3 3例乳腺肿物病人的性别、年龄、肿物的部位及FNAC的诊断结果进行综合分析 ,特别是对有组织学核对的、细胞学检查诊断为疑癌细胞及癌细胞的病例进行详细观察 ,总结FNAC检查诊断乳癌的要点。结果 12 3 3例乳腺肿物 ,女1165例 ,男 68例 ,FNAC结果为良性细胞 986例 ,其中 6例重度增生细胞活检诊断为乳癌 ;可疑癌细胞 95例 ,其中 82例组织学诊断为乳癌 ,13例为乳腺增生症 ;癌细胞 12 8例 ,全部经组织实证实。结论 乳腺FNAC检查方法简便易行 ,确诊的癌细胞准确性较高。细胞学涂片中散在细胞的异型性及细胞的大小不等、形态不一即是癌细胞的主要特点 ,也是细胞学诊断的关键。
Objective To study on the diagnosis in breast carcinoma by fine needle aspiration cytology(FNAC) and methods in reducing misdiagnosis.Methods 1233 patients with breast neoplasm were analysed in sex,age,locality and diagnostic results of FNAC.The cases with suspected malignant cell(MC) and malignant cell were observed carefully and diagnosed by histology.Results 986 cases were of benign cell,and 6 with severe hyperplasia were diagnosed as breast carcinoma by biopsy.Suspected malignant cells were found in 95 cases,82 were breast carcinoma and 13 breast hyperplasia in histology.128 MC were proved by histology.Conclusion The method of FNAC for breast neolpasm is simple and convenient with hgiher diagnostic accuracy.The key of cytology diagnosis for malignant cell is single cell′s atypia,size and pleomorphism in smear.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology and Rehabilitation
breast neoplasm
fine needle aspiration cytology
malignant cell