通过对塔中沙漠油田基地立地条件和支持条件的分析研究表明 ,在塔中沙漠油田基地路建设生物防沙体系 ,只要选择的树种得当 ,灌溉方式和造林技术合理 ,在具有依托条件的情况下 ,建立公路生物防护体系是完全可行的。在结构布局上要与已布设的机械防护措施相配合 ,充分发挥机械措施的防护效益和保护作用。在苗木栽植时可根据不同的立地条件采取相应的措施 。
Fourth Tazhong Oil Field is located in the hinterland of Taklamakan Desert, and the sand drift disasters here are serious. To counter the short service life of the temporary mechanical sand-control projects along the roads of the oil field, a research on the biological sand-control demonstration projects has been undertaken since 1998 so as to achieve a permanent protection of the roads in the oil field against the sand drift disasters, improve the working and living environmental conditions, and guarantee the safety production of the oil field. In this paper, the local natural conditions for implementing the biological sand-control projects along the roads of Fourth Tazhong Oil Field are analyzed. The results show that it is feasible to construct the biological protection systems along the roads against sand drift disasters if the suitable tree species, rational irrigation ways and afforestation technology are selected under the supporting conditions. It is considered that the structure and the distribution of the biological sand-control projects show be coordinated with the existing mechanical sand-control projects so as to let them fully play the role of protecting the roads against sand drift disasters. The trees should be planted in early spring and late autumn based on the site conditions.
Arid Zone Research
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(G19990 43 5 0 4)