
新疆天山天池风景名胜区的后续开发 被引量:4

Preliminary Study on the Follow-up Development of the Tianchi Scene Area in the Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang
摘要 新疆天山天池风景名胜区旅游开发目前主要集中在以天池为中心的湖滨区 ,景区已出现旅游吸引力不足、旅游活动内容单调、旅游环境容量有限等一系列问题 ,着手进行后续旅游开发势在必行。实际上 ,就资源、客源、交通等条件而言 ,天池景区的后续开发均有保障 ,并预期有良好的社会、经济、环境效益。通过实际调查 ,建议选择开发吉岩坚沟百花园景区 ,在三个岔沟的冰川和冰湖区建立冰川公园。同时必须关注天池湖面缩小、旅游与牧业、相邻行政区协调、自然保护区区域划分等相关问题 。 The Tianchi Scene Area is under Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture of Xinjiang, is located at the upper reaches of Sangong River on the northern slope of Bogda Peak, east Tianshan Mountains, and Tianchi Lake is one of the famous alpine lakes in the world. Moreover, it is an important part of the Bogda International Biosphere Reserve. Since its tourist resources are exploited from 1980, the tourism here was rapidly developed for a time, its present situation, however, is not optimistic. In the old scene area, some problems, such as the reduction of the appeal to the tourists, dull tourist content and limited tourist capacity, limit the development of the tourism here. The urgent matter is to further exploit the tourist resources. Practically, some typical vertical landscape zones form under the great elevation difference from the alpine zone to the plain in the Bogda International Biosphere Reserve. Tianchi Lake is just located in the mid mountain forest zone, and up to the alpine zone from it, the sub alpine meadows, alpine meadows and glaciers are distributed in a succession southward. There are a lot of exploitable natural scenic resources here, such as the Bogda Peak, glaciers, and sub alpine meadows. In this paper, the resources superiority is analyzed and the exploitation conditions are assessed so as to build the Jiyanjian Hundred flower Garden and to build a glacier park in the three branch glacier area and the glacial lake area. Some problems related to the follow up development, such as the determination of the tourist lines and the solution of the contradiction between tourism and animal husbandry, are also analyzed, especially the environment protection is emphasized.
作者 阎顺 刘丹萍
出处 《干旱区研究》 CSCD 2002年第4期45-50,共6页 Arid Zone Research
基金 国家 973项目G19990 43 5 0 2课题"中国西部干旱区生态环境演变与调控"研究成果
关键词 新疆 天山天池 风景名胜区 后续开发 Xinjiang,Tianchi Lake,new scene area,exploitation of tourist resources
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