20 0 1年 5月 15日至 9月 17日系统调查了不同棉花品种的棉田十一星瓢虫的种群动态。结果表明 :尉犁县棉田瓢虫主要为十一星瓢虫 (CoccinellaundecimpunctataLinnaeus) ,它是控制棉田棉蚜危害的优势种天敌 ,占棉田瓢虫总数的 81%。十一星瓢虫在棉田中的消长规律为 :越冬代成虫 5月底开始进入棉田取食棉蚜 ;卵期 5月 2 9日至 7月 14日 ,6月下旬进入产卵盛期 ;幼虫期 6月 5日至 7月 31日 ,高峰期 7月 7日左右 ;蛹期 6月 2 0日至 7月 2 1日 ,高峰期 7月 7日左右 ;成虫期 6月 2 0日至 9月中下旬 ,高峰期 7月 7日至 7月 14日。十一星瓢虫的种群动态与棉田棉蚜数量有明显的跟随反应 ,棉田中的早播玉米带。
The ladybird groups and the population dynamics of Coccinella undecimpunctata in the cotton fields of the different cotton varieties in Yuli County, Xinjiang, were investigated during the period from May 15 to September 17, 2001. The results show that the dominant species in the cotton fields is Coccinella undecimpunctata. The population dynamics of Coccinella undecimpunctata in the cotton fields shows that the egg period is from May 29 to July 14 and the fecundity is in the late June; the larva period is from June 5 to July 31 and its boom is about on July 7; the pupa period is from June 20 to July 21 and its boom is about on July 7; the adult period is from June 20 to mid or late September and its boom is from July 7 to 14. The population of Coccinella undecimpunctata changes with the number of cotton aphids, and Coccinella undecimpunctata aestivate generally on the girdles of spring maize in the cotton fields, foliages and in the bark apertures of Popular diversifolia and Elaeagnus angustifolia around the cotton fields.
Arid Zone Research
中国科学院知识创新工程项目 (KZCX1-0 8-0 1-0 3 )
cotton field, Coccinella undecimpunctata, cotton aphid, population