目的 通过体外测试骨折端的强度、刚度 ,用以评价自行研制的外固定支架治疗不稳定股骨转子间骨折的临床效果。方法 用 6具湿尸股骨标本通过实验应力分析方法测试股骨转子间骨折处应力分布、伸张、位移和扭转强度、刚度 ;75例不稳定型股骨转子间骨折患者 ,用外固定支架进行治疗 ,男 2 6例 ,女 49例 ,平均年龄 70 2岁。结果 体外测试结果表明支架对股骨转子间的固定作用比麦氏鹅头钉强 3 6% ,比Ender氏钉强 2 0 % ,并具有显著性差异 (P<0 .0 5 )。临床上骨折 10~ 12周愈合 ,经 4个月~ 3年 (平均 8个月 )随访 ,所有骨折均愈合 ,优 70例 ,良 3例 ,差 2例。结论 经生物力学测定及临床应用表明 :①该装置设计合理 ,性能坚固 ,对股骨转子间骨折具有很强固定作用 ,能有效地达到早期下床和避免长期卧床 ;②结构简单 ,对组织损伤小 ,手术操作简单 ,骨折愈合快 ,钉易拔出 ,适合各型骨折 。
Objective By testing the biomechanics of the fracture end in vitro,to evaluate the clinical outcome of unstable intertrochateric fracture of the femur were treated with external fixator. Methods Through mechanical tests in 6 fresh cadaver femoral specimens. The distribution of stress,strain,displacement, rotation,the rigidity and the strength at the fracture site of the femur were observed. Seventy-five cases(male 26 cases, femal 49 cases) were treated. The average age was 70.2 years. Results The results demonstrated that its effect on fixation intertrochanteric fracture of the femur was higher by 20% than that of the Mclauhlis's nail-plate and by 36% than Ender's (P<0.05). The average healing time of the fracture was 10~12 weeks. All of 75 cases were followed-up for 4 months to 3 years, average 8 months. The results in 70 cases were excellent, 2 cases had good results, 2 cases were poor. Conclusion The clinical application and the biomechanic study show: 1.the design is reasonable, which ensure the patient a strong fixation, early ambulation and low rate complicationns of the aged; 2. the external fixator is simple in structure. The method has the advantages of little trauma in tissue, quick healing. Operation is easy to perform. Solid fixation and the nail is easy to pull out. It can be used in all types of fracture which can not be treated by internal fixation in those cases associated with osteoporosis.
Biomedical Engineering and Clinical Medicine