历史学科是普通教育的一门基础学科 ,能力培养的问题 ,在中学历史教学中是至为重要的。近十几年来随着历史科研的不断深入和历史教学的逐步改革 ,其能力培养问题 ,也在不断进行变革。人类社会进入 2 1世纪 ,在能力培养目标的内容方面又有了新的规定。在历史教学中 ,如何根据能力目标的要求进行历史学科教学呢 ?《基础教育课程改革纲要 (试行 )》中提出的重大改革措施 ,给历史学科课程改革指明了方向 :首先是转变教学观念 ,在教学中以培养和发展学生的能力为中心 ;在能力培养的具体措施上 ,应该根据文字的和图画的材料 ,培养学生的形象思维能力、历史的领悟能力和古为今用的能力 ;在历史学习中培养学生探究创新能力 ;结合历史学科特点开发形式多样的活动课 。
History is a basic subject in the general education and ability training is vitally important in middle school history teaching. In recent ten years, with the deep going of scientific research on history and the gradual reform of history teaching, constant changes have occurred on the ways of ability training in the subject of history. The 21st century has imposed new stipulations on ability training objectives. How can history teaching be conducted to meet the requirements of ability training objectives? Important reform measures proposed in Curriculum Reform Program of Basic Education (Trial) provide us the guide of curriculum reform of history: first to transform teaching ideas to take as the focus cultivating and developing student's ability; to make use of written material and picture information to cultivate students' visual thinking ability, historical perception and ability of making the past serve the present; to cultivate students' research and creative ability in history learning; according to the characteristics of history course, to develop various forms of activities class and strengthen the cultivation of practice ability.iningobjectives?Importantreformme
subject course of history
ability training objectives
retrospection and reflection